英語リーディング Spring is in the air

The weather in Osaka has been absolutely beautiful for the past week and there are signs of spring everywhere. Just yesterday when I was visiting the neighborhood supermarket, I saw a sparrow’s nest with a trio of hatchlings. Their heads were all fuzzy, poking up above the rim of the nest as they waited for their mother to feed them.


シンプル英語エクササイズ Animal verbs

While humans move and gesture in their own unique way, the same holds true for animals.

This dog is leaping into the air to catch the frisbee. Can you picture a human moving like this? No? Me neither. 続きを読む

Ice Skating

Ice skating

I went ice skating in Namba.  This was only my second time.
The last time I went skating a friend fell over and hit their head, so I was very careful this time.
I am a terrible skater and I was afraid of slipping and injuring myself.
I nearly slipped 10 times, but I regained my balance every time.
There were old people skating effortlessly.  There were also some kids that were amazing.
Seeing them skate well made me feel worse.

I got to see the ice resurfacer resurface the rink.  I skated afterwards, it was really smooth, however it was more difficult for me, but I managed to get home in one piece.

Fun Fact:  Canadians call an ice resurfacer a Zamboni

Vocabulary & Expressions:

Effortlessly (Adverb):  作業などを苦もなく
He played the piano effortlessly.

One Piece :  無事に
I came from judo in one piece.

An Ice resurfacer (Noun):
The ice resurfacer polished the ice rink.

Slip (Verb): 滑る
I slipped on a banana

摂津市 吹田市 茨木市 で英会話を学ぶならコチラ!!

英語リーディング Seasonal changes

There are many things that change along with the month and season. For example, the amount of pollen has drastically increased, and with it the number of hay fever sufferers. What else changes as we enter the spring season?

シンプル英語エクササイズ Countryside

Many people make the mistake of using the word countryside as an adjective. It’s actually a noun and is commonly used like this, “My grandfather lives in the countryside.” If you want to describe the type of place your grandfather lives in – with an adjective – you’ll probably want to say, “My grandfather lives in a very rural neighborhood.”
