〜シンプル英語エクササイズ〜時間後: Telling the Time

Telling the Time

I think telling the time in English can be difficult.  Elementary  school students sometimes have difficulty telling the time.  I too had difficulty when I was a child.

I try to think of an analogue clock.  If you look at the picture above you can see that:

Past  = _ _:01 —> _ _:30
Minutes past the current “O’clock”


12:07 = Seven past twelve
13:08 = Eight past one
14:15 = A quarter past two

To = _ _:31 —> _ _:59
Minutes until the next “O’clock”


14:47 = Thirteen to three
15:58 = Two to four
16:45 = A quarter to five

Digital Time

Some students read this as “ten hundred”.  We should treat digital time the same as analogue time and say “ten AM” or “ten o’clock“.  People in the military (the air force, army and navy) say “ten hundred”.

摂津市 吹田市 茨木市 で英会話を学ぶならコチラ!!

シンプル英語エクササイズ Animal verbs

While humans move and gesture in their own unique way, the same holds true for animals.

This dog is leaping into the air to catch the frisbee. Can you picture a human moving like this? No? Me neither. 続きを読む

Put on, Wear, Take off

The Cat is wearing a tie 

Some students say “I wore my shirt this morning”but they were wearing the shirt when I saw them.
Wear = To be in clothes.  Salarymen wear suits every day.  I see salarymen wearing suits now.
We use put on and take off to express change.  Here are 2 examples:


Ice Skating

Ice skating

I went ice skating in Namba.  This was only my second time.
The last time I went skating a friend fell over and hit their head, so I was very careful this time.
I am a terrible skater and I was afraid of slipping and injuring myself.
I nearly slipped 10 times, but I regained my balance every time.
There were old people skating effortlessly.  There were also some kids that were amazing.
Seeing them skate well made me feel worse.

I got to see the ice resurfacer resurface the rink.  I skated afterwards, it was really smooth, however it was more difficult for me, but I managed to get home in one piece.

Fun Fact:  Canadians call an ice resurfacer a Zamboni

Vocabulary & Expressions:

Effortlessly (Adverb):  作業などを苦もなく
He played the piano effortlessly.

One Piece :  無事に
I came from judo in one piece.

An Ice resurfacer (Noun):
The ice resurfacer polished the ice rink.

Slip (Verb): 滑る
I slipped on a banana

摂津市 吹田市 茨木市 で英会話を学ぶならコチラ!!