Nostalgic Hobbies

Nostalgic Hobbies

I went to a toy shop in Umeda.
I was looking for Hello Kitty merchandise for my mother.
I went past the toy car area.
There were businessmen in their 30’s to 50’s looking at the toy cars.
I used to collect “Tomica”, “Choro-Q”, Matchbox and Hot Wheels.
Here are some hobbies popular with men in Australia.


Sweet Japanese recipes

Recently, I’ve become obsessed with (夢中に) making – and eating – Japanese sweets. I don’t have much space in my apartment for cookbooks, so most of the recipes I’ve been experimenting with have come off of the Internet. Some are in English, and some are in Japanese. All of them are easy. Here are a collection of recipes that I’m dying to try(作りたくてたまらない). (I’ve altered a few things according to my preferences. ex. I prefer to bake with butter, not oil)


Visiting Canada – Customs, currency, tipping, and medicine

Canada is very different from Japan – in many ways- so visiting might be a bit of a challenge unless you do some research beforehand. What should you know about Canada? Basic customs, the currency, and tipping would be a good place to start.
